MATLAB: Activate radio button from another radio button

activate button in functiongui activate functionguide activate functionradio button

Im new to GUIDE but have made it through the simple stuff of how to get input from buttons and have them display things and alter the properties of other objects. I am however having issues trying to toggle a radio button from a function of another. I have tried setting its value to change its state but that is all it does. It does not execute the code within the function. I in turn figured I can just call the handleName_Callback(Hobject, eventdata, handles); within the function to get it to activate. The problem is I am not sure what the input variables are exactly. I tried entering the handle for the radio button itself, then the handle for the figure into Hobject but they both result in errors. I have been leaving the other fields blank entirely because I have no idea what they are. Here is what I have for the function Callback (I havent touched the handles structure).
%first function
function function1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
option = get(hObject, 'Value');
if(option ~= 1)
%This is where I want to execute function2
function2_Callback(handles.function2); %Please let me know what this should be
Thanks in advance

Best Answer

Usually the first argument is the handle to the object whose callback you are calling. You can get this from guihandles. This gives you a struct. You get the specific handle if you know the specific tag.
The remainder you just pass along:
%first function
function function1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
option = get(hObject, 'Value');
if(option ~= 1)
%This is where I want to execute function2
h = guihandles;
h_function2 = h.TagName;
function2_Callback(h_function2, eventdata, handles);
I hope it works, I didn't have a chance to test it.
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