MATLAB: Acessing cell arrays with different number of rows

cell arraysdifferent rowsstore in a matrix

I have cell array "out" 1×123 cells. Within each cell of out{1,1}, <1×3 cells. How can I access 2 and 3 columns of each cell within "out" and store in flows2 matrix. I am having a difficulty because each cell of "out" has different number of rows.
So, I tried this way
for j=1:length(csvFiles)
formatOut = 'yyyy';
flows2(:,j)=[str2num(datestr(datenum([out{1,j}{1,2}],1900),formatOut)) [out{1,j}{1,3}]];
I am receiving this error. Subscripted assignment dimension mismatch.
My question is, any other efficient way of doing this?
Any suggestion is appreciated.
Thanks in advance,

Best Answer

The only option I can see is to create flows2 as a cell array:
flows2{j} = ...