MATLAB: Accurately Insert a Block in Simulink Model based on Mouse Position.

block positionget_paraminsert blocksmodel browserscreen offsetsimulink

Hi, I want to insert a Block into a Simullink Model from Right Click Menu. The block should be inserted into the exact 'position' of the mouse right click. To calculate the 'position' i use
locationBase = get_param(modelName,'Location');%To account for floating windows etc
scrollOffset = get_param(modelName,'ScrollbarOffset');%To account for ScrollBar Position
I calculate the 'position' by
p_X = mousePositionX - locationBase(1) + scrollOffset(1);
p_Y = screenSizeY - mousePositionY - locationBase(2) + scrollOffset(2) ;
I add the block dimensions to find the 'position' to insert the blocks like this.
location = [p_X p_Y p_X+BlockWidth+BlockHeight];
This works well if the Model Browser is not open. If Model Browser is open, It adds additional offset to the position and the Blocks are inserted at the wrong place. How can I include offsets created by the Model Browser?

Best Answer

The system has parameters named 'ModelBrowserVisibility' and 'ModelBrowserWidth'. I would suggest checking if the visibility is on and if so then add the 'ModelBrowserWidth' as an offset to the Y position of the 'location' variable.