MATLAB: Accurate Measurements with DHT11 and Arduino via MATLAB

arduinodht11humidityMATLABserialserial porttemperature

I have a DHT11 sensor connected to an Arduino UNO. I can get consistent (and expected) data values through the Arduino software by following this tutorial. However, I'd like to replicate the same data collection with MATLAB.
I'm stuck on how I can take the DHT11's digital signal and "break it down" into its component bits so that they can be identified and used properly. From my understanding, the DHT11's signal is 40 bits, and is set up so that the first 16 relate to the humidity detected, the following 16 are for temperature, and the last 8 are the checksum.
Is it possible to separate a digital signal into a collection of bits? How can I use MATLAB to get measurements from this sensor?

Best Answer

My final code, for readings once a minute:
s = serial('COM3'); %Connected to COM3
set(s,'Timeout', 65); %sensor will timeout after 65 seconds
x = 1:1:60; %readings over the span of one hour
for i=1:length(x)
y(i) = fscanf(s, '%f', 6);
z(i) = fscanf(s, '%f', 6);
% Plot data from arduino
title('temperature v. humidity v. time');