MATLAB: Accumulating Unique Set Values


I have 10 sets (each set includes 1s and 0s: 1 means element selected) and trying to find the unique sets and store its element indices. But when there is only one unique set following code gives error. How can I fix it? Thanks for the help.
[Rw,Cl] = find(unique(FSet,'rows','stable'));
UnqFS = accumarray(Rw,Cl,[], @(f) {sort(f).'});

Best Answer

My suggestion: first find the unique rows of Fset, and then get the column indices for each row
FSet = randi(2,10,3) -1 % example
UFS = unique(FSet,'rows','stable')
UnqFS = arrayfun(@(r) find(UFS(r,:)), 1:size(UFS,1), 'un',0)