MATLAB: Accumarray error: First input SUBS must contain positive integer subscripts.


The accumarray function is causing me problems – the error is embedded within the question. Attached you find a sample file and below you find the piece of code I wrote:
temp_raw_JE50=X0012_50(:,20)-X0012_50(:,17); % raw overall JE50
temp_AO50=ismember(X0012_50(:,13),0); % AO trials (0's) in col. 13 of temp_file_50
temp_raw_JE50AO= accumarray(temp_raw_JE50,temp_AO50); % raw JE50 for AO trials only
Could you please be so kind as to help me?

Best Answer

[uval,~,subs] = unique(temp_raw_JE50);
You most likely want to accumulate by the unique values. Since these aren't necessarily positive integer indices, use unique first and pass the indices into accumarray.