MATLAB: Accessing data in 1×2 structure array

cell arraysdata importMATLABplottingstructures

I'm trying to simply plot the X and the Y data from the data set given to me (see attached image) but I don't seem to be seeing the full data set when I do. For example, I load in the x and y data and plot
imagesc(x) etc etc etc
Whats confusing me is – the X data is originally in a 1×2 structure so when I load in the data like I did above, what exactly am I loading in? Am I loading in the full 1×2 structure or only the first row of the X data (from attached image). The reason I ask is because the image being plotted is not what I expected.
I hope this makes sense and would really appreciate any help. Thanks in advance

Best Answer

x = data.X
is just giving you the equivalent of
x = data(1).X
and ignoring the 2nd element of the data array.
What are you trying to plot though with imagesc? You effectively have two 111 x 101 matrices in data.X. You can pass either one of them to imagesc, but not both at the same time.
You can plot one as an alpha overlay on the other if you wish, but I don't know if that is what you are aiming for.