MATLAB: Access the array index using find


Hello ,
I have an array A1 = [1 12 23 45]; and
second array A1_1 = [45 23];
I need to find the index of 45 and 23 in first array A1. I am using following function to do this find(a==a_1(1)) –Output =4 find(a==a_1(2)) –Output =3 I want to get this for multiple elements of array .
It would be grateful if you let me know the changes that are to be done to get it for multiple elements in an array.
Looking forward to hear from you at the earliest.
Thanks Pankaja

Best Answer

a= [1 12 23 45];
b= [45 23]
out=arrayfun(@(x) find(a==x),b,'un',0)
Or using a for loop. The previous answer, also uses a loop.
for k=1:numel(b)