MATLAB: Access structure arrays after load from a for loop

loadstructure array

I'm trying to analyze multiple sequential files (e.g. fv1, fv2, fv3, etc) using a for loop. However, when loading, it adds the variable as another field name (i.e. d.fv1.field.field- see below).
for i=1:5;
d=load(['fv' num2str(i) '.mat']);
If I try to access the data I want, I can't because: 1. Its added a new field name 2. The original file name is still included but I can't access it with structure accessing
for i=1:5;
d=load(['fv' num2str(i) '.mat']);
data(i,:)=d.strcat('fv' num2str(i)).Y(4).Data;
I'm relatively new to Matlab, and while similar questions may have answered parts of this I haven't found anything that addresses this directly. Is this something I'll have to tackle with dynamic variables (which I have almost no grasp on). Thanks so much for any help!

Best Answer

for i = 1:5
fn = sprintf('fv%d', i);
d = load( [fn '.mat']);