MATLAB: Access .mlapp data in .m file after app closes

app designerMATLAB

I have a script (.m) that calls a app (.mlapp) that I created using AppDesigner. The app is designed to collect user input. After the user enters the values, he/she clicks an OK button which propmpts the app to close. After the app closes, I want to access the user data from the app in the scipt (.m) and perform operations with the data. How do I do this?
I tried creating "public" properties and storing the values in the said created public properties, but I cant access those properties after the app is closed because the handle is deleted when the app deletes. I understand that it is possible to transfer data before the app deletes but the problem with that is that I don't know when the user is finished entering the data until the app is deleted.
My code in the script (.m) looks something like this:
H = myApp;
%Here I need to access the data from myApp

Best Answer

Rather than waitfor(H), which waits until H is deleted, how about waitfor(H,propname,propvalue), where propname is some property of H that gets set to propvalue once the user is finished entering data? And delete your app after you've grabbed the relevant properties, rather than from within the app.