MATLAB: (AB)^T = (B^T*A^T) proof help


As the tittle indicates, i need help in proving the following within Matlab: (AB)^T = (B^T*A^T).
A=[1 8 5 4 ; 5 4 1 2; 4 1 2 5; 4 4 1 5],
B=[ 7 8 4 5; 7 4 5 6; 7 4 1 2; 9 4 1 2]
B and A are examples

Best Answer

Transposing in MATLAB is accomplished with the ' and .' operators. The ' operator is actually conjugate transpose and the .' is transpose without conjugate. For real inputs, ' does the same thing as .'
So for you case, replace the ^T notation with ' and then put in a * between A and B, and then you can show that the results match for any particular example.