MATLAB: About the base vector Clause

basis vector

Hi ! ,
i'm a student and i from Turkey.. I'm doing my homework (linear algebra ) and i did not some questions.
For example : "a = [1,3;1,-1]' Which is to sentence the base vector for R2(the square) ?
How i do ? Please Help me this. Thank you

Best Answer

This seems to be a mathematics theory question rather than a MATLAB question.
You appear to be asking how to find the basis vector for something. There is not just one unique set of basis vectors for a space.
For example, [1 0 0], [0 1 0], [0 0 1] is one basis set for R3, but so is [1 0 0], [0 1 0], [0 0 k] for all constants k that are real valued and non-zero. There is an infinite number of solutions, so you cannot numerically solve to find all basis sets for R3 (not in any finite time period.)