MATLAB: About GMSK demodulation


Hi all,
I just got a doubt which remains as a doubt even after going through few books. Is GMSK demodulation same as the MSK demodulation and can I use the same process in Matlab too, or will there be gaussian filter in GMSK demodulation ?
Please help me in this regards. Any help would be much appreciated.
Thanks and regards,

Best Answer

You 'can' use an MSK demodulator for demodulation of a GMSK signal but it will sub-optimal. A Gaussian filter needs to be there at the receiver for matched filtering.
You can either run Monte-Carlo simulations to asses the BER penalty v/s reduction in complexity obtained by using sub-optimal MSK receivers or you can try to search for existing papers on the topic.
I've run into sub-optimal OQPSK receivers being used for SOQPSK signals several times and I suppose the same theory should apply for GMSK as well.
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