MATLAB: About fixing a script

how to fix errors

I have been using one of the software which works in Matlab environment.
Software is working, except one function. Whenever I try to use that function, in the command window there is some errors. So I cannot create appropriate model. This model is very important for my research
Please see below.
Welcome to Coulomb 3.3.01
Start from Input menu to read or build an input file.
Error using mat2cell (line 45)
Not enough input arguments.
Error in utm_window>pushbutton_f_add_Callback (line 1009)
HEAD(1,1) = mat2cell(x1);
Error in gui_mainfcn (line 95)
Error in utm_window (line 20)
gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});
Error using waitfor
Error while evaluating UIControl Callback
The thing is I am not sure how to correct it. Should I fix the error lines with fix option in .m file? or is there another way to correct it.
Would be happy if you could help.
Regards, Ruken

Best Answer

You have an error in 'mat2cell' function call in line 45 of your script. Please see the documentation to get more information on how to properly use the function.
>> help mat2cell
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