MATLAB: About audio processing


Sir from last month i am working on a project will you please tell me how can i read i mean how to take each and every bit from any wav format audio file and read it? i know that wavread function reads wav file but how can i convert wav file in binary digits like in [1 0 1 0] and how to read that file? is there any function for this procedure like "wav2bin"? its very urgent sir please help me,because i have to first convert wav format file in a binary digits or in binary equivalents and then i have to read them…will you please help me sir?
thank you sir.

Best Answer

You probably want to wavread() with the 'native' option. That will most likely get you the data as an integer data type, that you can then convert to binary using dec2bin() and subtracting the character '0' from the dec2bin results. Or use de2bi() instead of the dec2bin()-'0'