MATLAB: Abc_to_dq0 transformation with sin_cos input

abc to dq0 transformationdq0 to abc transformationline side convertermachine side converterpermanent magnet synchronous generatorsimulink

I am trying to build a model of permanent magnet synchronous generator and I need to include the abc to dqo0 block for the machine side and line side converter. The block that I that I need to use should have as inputs abc and sin_cos however there is a block in the library with abc and wt inputs.
How could I change the inputs of this block?

Best Answer

You can right-click the block and select Library Link > Disable Link. This will let you modify the block.
Then, right-click again and select Mask > Look Under Mask. This shows you what's inside the block and you can start making changes in there.
Regarding the values themselves, does this make a big difference? The "wt" input is the electrical angle in radians. A potential "sin_cos" input would give you the sine and cosine of such angle, which you can interchange with "wt".
- Sebastian