MATLAB: A vectorisation problem with arrays (or matrices) and structs


I have a m x n x p array, consisting of 'p' frames of height 'm' and width 'n' from a movie file. I want to assign all of the images in the array to a struct without using a 'for' loop.
i.e. my code is:
videoHeight = size(movieMatrix,1);
videoWidth = size(movieMatrix,2);
totalFrames = size(movieMatrix,3);
movieStructure(totalFrames).cdata = zeros(videoHeight,videoWidth);
movieStructure(1:totalFrames).cdata = movieMatrix(:,:,1:totalFrames);
instead of:
movieStructure(totalFrames).cdata = zeros(videoHeight,videoWidth);
for i = 1:totalFrames
movieStructure(i).cdata = movieMatrix(:,:,i);
I have looked at pages on vectorisation, but I can't find any examples that helps me with structs and arrays together. I appreciate help that anyone offers!

Best Answer

movieStructure = struct('cdata', mat2cell(movieMatrix,videoHeight,videoWidth,ones(1,totalFrames)) );
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