MATLAB: A second basic ‘Find’ question


I want to identify starting point of a range of values whereby the first value is greater than or equal to X and all subsequent values are greater than another value (Y), which smaller than X. The exact length of the range isn't known exactly (it has at least N points) no other data range of similar length or longer occurs within the data set.
For example: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6,3.5,3.1, 7,6,8,6,5,3,1,2,3,4, X=4 Y=3 N=5 I want to find the range which starts greater than or equal to 4 and doesn't fall below 3. I know that there are at least 5 data points within the range of interest.

Best Answer

idx = findstr([0 data>=X],[0 1]);
idx = idx(ismembc(idx,findstr(data>Y,ones(1,N))))