MATLAB: A script to create a single matrix from matrix in different matlab files

combining data from different filesfaq

Hi Everyone,
Suppose I have many different Matlab files located in a folder. Let's say these files are called FileName_1, FileName_2, FileName_n.
Each of these files contains a vector A of equal dimensions (c,1).
What I wish to do is create a single matrix, that consists of all the different vector A in the different files.
How might I do this, so that the first column in the new matrix is vector A from FileName_1, the second is vector A from FileName_2, and so on?
Kind regards,

Best Answer

n = 10;
c = 100;
x = nan(100, 10);
for ii = 1:n
data = load(['FileName_', num2str(ii)]);
x(:, ii) = data.A;