MATLAB: A question relating to block names in Simulink

SimscapeSimscape Electricalsimulink

Hi there everyone,
now then i have a general query based question which i was hoping to get some help on;
so i have a assignment which will require me to use the same block multiple times, the block in particular is the blue outline Ammeter. now then i am using three of these blocks and having "Current Sensor 1-3" isn't exactly very clear considering when i run it through a scope it shows the source blocks name.
so this leads me to my question; how would i go about changing the singular block name of the Ammeters without changing the library name?
i searched here on the help forums but i turned up nothing so i would appreciate any help offered.

Best Answer

the block name can be changed by clicking on the block once. This will make it's name visible. Then, move your mouse over the block name, and it should change into a text editing cursor. You can click, and then edit the block name.
As an alternative, you may double click on the black wire that comes out of your ps -> simulink converter block. This wire can be named, and this name will go to your scope when viewing signals.
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