MATLAB: A question regarding stopping rules, local minimum vs early stopping

MATLABneural networkneural networks

Dear all,
I am new to MATLAB and I have been working with neural networks. I know that there are several stopping criteria for the algorithms but more often than not it is the minimum MSE in the validation set that leads to termination. I am well aware of how important this is but for the purposes of comparison I would like the training to stop at a local minimum instead. Could you please tell me how I can accomplish that?
What I thought about doing afterwards is compare these two stopping rules in a test set and take note of the regression R^2 that is obtained. Of course the validation stopping rule is vastly superior in that respect but I would like to gather some evidence for that.
Thank you in advance.

Best Answer

To see the network parameter settings, create the net without a final semicolon:
>> net = fitnet % no semicolon
The properties will be printed out in the command window. Note,in particular, the lines
trainParam: .showWindow, .showCommandLine, .show,
.epochs, .time, .goal, .min_grad, .max_fail, .mu,
.mu_dec, .mu_inc, .mu_max
Now find out
1. What are the maximum allowable number of epochs
>> maxepochs = net.trainParam.epochs % no semicolon

maxepochs = 1000
2. How many continuous epochs of increasing validation error are
required before validation stoping is implemeted:
>> valstopepochs = net.trainParam.max_fail % no semicolon
valstopepochs = 6
3. Therefore, all you have to to is set max_fail to a large number
>> net.trainParam.max_fail = maxepochs
Now you still have the default 0.7/0.15/0.15 split for comparison with max_fail = 6. However, Since both the default random datadivision AND the random initial weight assignments could be different, you have to make sure the initial random number state before training is the same.
The trainng record tr will reveal all of the training details
[ x, t ] = simplefit_data;
net = fitnet;
[ net tr y e ] = train(net,x,t);
% y = net(x); e = t - y;
clear all, close all, clc, plt=0
[ x , t ] = simplefit_dataset;
[ I N ] = size(x) % [ 1 94 ]

[O N ] = size(t) % [ 1 94 ]
vart = var(t,1) % 8.3378 reference MSE
plot(t) % 4 local extrema ==> H=4
net1 = fitnet(4);
net2 = net1;
net2.trainParam.max_fail = 1000;
[ net1 tr1 y1 e1] = train(net1,x,t);
stopcrit1 = tr1.stop % Validation stop
numepochs1 = tr1.num_epochs % 274
NMSE1 = mse(e1)/vart % 0.00033966
hold on, plot(y1,'g.')
[ net2 tr2 y2 e2] = train(net2,x,t);
stopcrit2 = tr2.stop % Maximum epoch reached
numepochs2 = tr2.num_epochs % 1000
NMSE2 = mse(e2)/vart % 0.00033145
hold on, plot(y2,'r.')
% Detailed Comparisons
tr1 = tr1 , tr2 = tr2
Hope this helps.
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