MATLAB: A question on Scatter PLot ??

3d plotsplotscatter

Hello Everyone ,
I have two arrays of each [10000×2] size. First Column of Data is X-Axis and Second Column is Y-Axis. Same goes with the Second Array too. I need to have a moving scatter plot. i.e I need to see the Data being plotted ,point by point. I tried using for loop and plot point by point for a single graph But it hangs …. Finally I found an answer from mathworks guy who posted a solution. It did worked and I need to do a workaround to that solution so that I can plot two arrays like same. *************************************************
V1 = rand(1,10000);
V2 = rand(1,10000);
N = NaN([1,10000]);
h = scatter(N, N , 'r*');
xdata1 = get(h, 'XData');
ydata1 = get(h, 'YData');
for lk = 1:10000
xdata1(lk) = V1(lk,1);
ydata1(lk) = V1(lk,2);
% Update the plot
set(h, 'XData', xdata1, 'YData', ydata1);
If you execute this code, you will be seeing some points being plotted one-by -one.. Now I need the V2 plot on the same figure with different color marker.. like for black asterisk 'k*' .. I am not sure how to workaround by having a same figure handle with two different markers… Do u have any suggestions. ?
This is for analyzing the GPS location tracks .. So need it it MATLAB instead of Google Earth(KML)

Best Answer

V1 = [1:10000;rand(1,10000)];
V2 = [1:10000;rand(1,10000)];
h = scatter(N, N , 'r*');
for lk = 1:10000
scatter(V1(1,lk),V1(2,lk),'markerfacecolor',[1 0 1])
hold on
scatter(V1(1,lk),V2(2,lk),'markerfacecolor',[1 1 0])
hold off