MATLAB: A question about different image size generation using Matlab


Hello everyone!
I need your help! Can anyone please tell me why, the Y1 becomes empty and its size changes when I input a true color image ?
X1 = double(imread('true_color_image'));
Y1 = padarray(X1(end-1:end,end-1:end),[1 1],'replicate','pre')
Y1 =
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
ans =
120 120 3
ans =
3 3
While when I use input data, as shown below, Y1 does not change:
X2 = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9]
Y2 = padarray(X2(end-1:end,end-1:end),[1 1],'replicate','pre')
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
5 5 6
5 5 6
8 8 9
ans =
3 3
ans =
3 3
What can I do so that the size of Y1 does not change (i.e. remains same as X1) ?
Thank you!

Best Answer

Since you're using 2D indexing to index a 3D matrix, this only return values from the 1st plane (the red colour plane). This is equivalent to
X1(end-1:end,end-1:end, 1)
If you want a 3D matrix as output, you must pass a 3D matrix as input, so:
Y1 = padarray(X1(end-1:end,end-1:end, :), [1 1], 'replicate', 'pre')
Note that the above will work on greyscale images as wel, since the : will match the only colour plane.