MATLAB: A problem about matlab link to pro/e with “smlink”

simulinksmlink pro/e

When I attempt to connect to the SimMechanics Link utility from my CAD platform,Unfortunately, I get an error indicating that "the pmi_api.dll can not be load",I am sure I have install the "smlink" correcttly,any replay is helpful ,thanks

Best Answer

Please follow the instructions in the documentation of SimMechanics Link, especially Linking and Unlinking SimMechanics Link Software with Pro/ENGINEER. You need to:
  1. Create a New or Locate an Existing Pro/TOOLKIT Application Registry File
  2. Inserte the SimMechanics Link Registration Text into the Registry File (that's where you reference the DLL)
  3. Locate the Existing or Create a New Pro/ENGINEER Configuration File
  4. Specify the Pro/TOOLKIT Application Registry File Path in the Pro/ENGINEER Configuration File
  5. Configure your Pro/E shortcut on your desktop to start in the directory where the Pro/E configuration file is located.