MATLAB: A matrix with class of sym, but symvar() command gives empty results

from symbolic to functionfunction handlingMATLABmatlab functionmatlabfunctionsymbolicsymbolic variable changingsymbolic variables

I have a huge matrix with more than 180 different symbolic variable. I need to change variables into vector form such from q1, q2 … to q(1), q(2)…
I wrote a code as below, I succided to change variable. But problem, now I lost my symbolic variables, when I query my variables with symvar(), I get empty results.
This is problem when I try to change from symbolic to function with matlabFunction() command. Naturally, it can not find any variable in my symbolic func.
Please help me
That is the result wtih symvar():
>> symvar(tests.test5.symbolicObsW{3,1})
ans =
Empty sym: 1-by-0
That is result with matlabFunction():
>> testRecords.funcObsw3 = matlabFunction(tests.test5.symbolicObsW{3,1});
Warning: Function 'sq' not verified to be a valid MATLAB function.
for cJ=1:6
for t=NumRow
ObsWsym{cJ,:}(t,:) = subs(regressors{cJ,1}(1,:), [q1, q2, q3, q4, q5, q6,...
dq1, dq2, dq3, dq4, dq5, dq6,...
ddq1, ddq2, ddq3, ddq4, ddq5, ddq6],...
[sq(18*t-18+1), sq(18*t-18+2), sq(18*t-18+3),sq(18*t-18+4),sq(18*t-18+5),sq(18*t-18+6),...
sq(18*t-18+7), sq(18*t-18+8), sq(18*t-18+9),sq(18*t-18+10),sq(18*t-18+11),sq(18*t-18+12),...
sq(18*t-18+13), sq(18*t-18+14), sq(18*t-18+15),sq(18*t-18+16),sq(18*t-18+17),sq(18*t-18+18)]); %#ok<AGROW>
disp(['Observation matrix (',...
') for Joint ',num2str(cJ),' is generated by using Regressor']);

Best Answer

You should probably just use matlabFunction with the 'vars' option. Pass in a cell array. Within the cell array, each variable that is listed in the same entry will be bundled into a single parameter. So for example if you had
q = symvar('q', [1 150]);
p = symvar('p', [1 30]);
testRecords.funcObsw3 = matlabFunction(tests.test5.symbolicObsW{3,1}, 'vars', {q, p})
then the function would be created with two parameters, one of which was expected to be a row vector of length 150, and the other was expected to be a row vector of length 30.
Warning: Function 'sq' not verified to be a valid MATLAB function.
You appear to be trying to mix array indexing with symbolic work. That will fail most of the time: never try to index with a symbolic variable (unless you really really know what you are doing.)
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