MATLAB: A lot of eigenvalues

eigeigenvalues in loopeigs

Hello everybody!
I have many 3×3 matrixes (e.g. 3 000 000 matrixes) and I need to compute their eigenvalues. Nowadays, I'm doing it in loop having 3 000 000 counts, but this way is very time consuming. I'd like to know if there is any possibility how to replace the loop by some matrix operation. For example, I can make a 3x3x3000000 matrix from which I would get the eigenvalues, somehow?
Can anybody help with this?
Thank you in advance,

Best Answer

This from Oleg seems like an answer, not a comment. I prefer to see questions in the 'answered' state.
c(1:3e6) = {rand(3)};
egv = cellfun(@eig,c,'un',0);
23 seconds to me it seems fair.