MATLAB: A cycle for creating and working with zones

for loopMATLABvector

Hello! I have a long vector line 1×10026, I need to divide it into zones (100 values ​​in each), look at them and do operations with them, and then again deplete it into a single vector line, help me how to do this
Data % my data is in the form of a row vector
for ind=1:100:n % n the length of this string
TF = isoutlier(Data(ind));
I tried this option, but does not consider the value.
1) How can I make these zones with 100 values ​​and what would the tail be considered (those are my 26 values) ???
2) How do I then impoverish them?

Best Answer

n = numel(Data);
ii = ceil((1:n)'/100);
TF = accumarray(ii,Data(:),[],@(x){isoutlier(x)});