MATLAB: A current folder which includes Onedrive causes ‘Error using cd’ problem

cdcurrent foldererrorMATLABonedrive

Hello everyone,
I am using OneDrive to save my projects and I use this files path to open my project; "C:\Users\User\OneDrive\Belgeler\MATLAB"
and Matlab doesnot work with this path anymore.
Before one week, I could use this path way without any problem, but in last few days I can not use and I see this error everytime; "Error using cd Cannot CD to C:\Users\User\OneDrive\Belgeler\MATLAB (Name is nonexistent or not a directory)." This is my current folder.
and if I use new path except Onedrive, it works normal.
I know that may not be a problem originates from Matlab, but I can not fix it.
I have to use this path to save my projects on my cloud account.
So can you help me ?

Best Answer

This problem has been resolved with the link shared by Walter Roberson.