MATLAB: 4-D array to 3-D array

arraymatrix arraymatrix manipulation

I have a 4-D array saved in a mat file like
ice_conc_monthly(:,:, year-1978, month) = d;
its is 304*448*37*12, how can i make it 3-D with 304*448*(37*12) size

Best Answer

x = your 304 * 448 * 37 * 12 array
y = reshape(x,304,448,37*12);
Another possibility if you want those last two dimensions arranged differently is to permute them first. E.g.,
x = your 304 * 448 * 37 * 12 array
z = permute(x,[1 2 4 3]);
y = reshape(z,304,448,37*12);