MATLAB: 3rd Party Toolbox in MATLAB Grader

3rd party toolboxdistance_learninggraderMATLABmatlab_grader

Hi, I want to use a 3rd party toolbox for my course in MATLAB grader. Is that possible?

Best Answer

MATLAB Grader does not currently provide a way for you to easily install third-party toolboxes. That is good feedback that I will share internally. Out of curiosity, which toolbox are your trying to add?
A possible workaround for now is to upload the files and functions the students will need with the Add File feature. This would need to be done for each problem. For the best student experience, you should upload the same scripts and functions to every problem. Identify all scripts and functions they will encounter or might try to use, and collect them in one place on your computer for easy uploading.
Note that each upload must be less than 5 Mb, but you can continue uploading until all the necessary files are added. This effectively places the files in the current folder, allowing students to use them naturally in their solution.