MATLAB: 3d plot using matlab

3d plotplotplotting

Hello everyone, I want to know how I can plot this type of chart in matlab knowing that only two of my vectors have the same length (which is far greater than five), while in the third axis I only need to mention five numbers which are [200 400 600 800 1000] as shown in the figure. Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

As mentioned by Walter Roberson, you could use the function waterfall, however after testing a bit myself I found that it is a little bit annoying to get the same colors as your example. Also waterfall seems to have the downside that the start and end of each line will always end at the lowest height of the data in the z-direction.
Therefore it might be easier to just use plot3, for example:
close all
N = 50; % number of points in the x direction.
M = 5; % number of points in the y direction.
x = linspace(0, 1, N);
y = 1 : M;
% Create somewhat similar data
[X, Y] = meshgrid(x, y);
Z1 = rand(M, N) + Y .* exp(-3*X);
Z2 = rand(M, N) + Y .* exp(-3*X);
% plot each line using a for loop
hold all
for k = 1 : M
plot3(x, y(k)*ones(1,N), Z1(k,:), 'b')
plot3(x, y(k)*ones(1,N), Z2(k,:), 'r')
grid on
view([50 30])