MATLAB: 3D plot of data

3d plotsMATLAB

I have a data set consisting of stresses accociated with a coordinate point (x,z). The data is attached, note that all the y coordiantes are the same, ie the stresses are on a flat surface consisting of x and z. The data for the stresses are in colum B.
I would like to create a 3D plot or surface of my stresses, but I am unsure how to associate my stresses with a specific point, so that I can plot them. I have tried using meshgrid and surf, but not with any kind of sucess worth attaching.

Best Answer

Option 1: USe scatter:
[num,txt,raw] = xlsread('Data_3Dplot.xlsx') ;
num = num(9:end,:) ;
nodes = num(:,1) ;
value = num(:,2) ;
x = num(:,3) ;
y = num(:,4) ;
z = num(:,5) ;
Option 2: Make unstructured grid
[num,txt,raw] = xlsread('Data_3Dplot.xlsx') ;
num = num(10:end,:) ;
nodes = num(:,1) ;
value = num(:,2) ;
x = num(:,3) ;
y = num(:,4) ;
z = num(:,5) ;
dt = delaunayTriangulation(x,z) ;
t = dt.ConnectivityList ;
p = dt.Points ;
p(:,3) = value ;
shading interp ; colorbar
Option 3: Make a structured grid
[num,txt,raw] = xlsread('Data_3Dplot.xlsx') ;
num = num(10:end,:) ;
nodes = num(:,1) ;
value = num(:,2) ;
x = num(:,3) ;
y = num(:,4) ;
z = num(:,5) ;
N = 500 ;
xi = linspace(min(x),max(x),N) ;
zi = linspace(min(z),max(z),N) ;
[X,Z] = meshgrid(xi,zi) ;
C = griddata(x,z,value,X,Z) ;
shading interp ; colorbar