MATLAB: 3D Matrix manipulation


Hey everyone one!
I need some assitance with developing a 3x3x10 matrix with any numbers.
That writes the command that will tell you the dimensionsof the matrix (rows, cols, levels), and store the outputs of the command in MATLAB’s workspace as [m,n,o]
Thank you in advance !

Best Answer

% to create random matrix
A = rand(3,3,10) ;
% To create random integers with in 100
B = randi(100,3,3,10) ;
% To make ones matrix
C = ones(3,3,10) ;
% To make zeros matrix
D = zeros(3,3,10) ;
% To save matrix in a loop
X = zeros(3,3,10) ;
for i = 1:10
X(:,:,i) = rand(3) ;
% To get the size of matrix
[m,n,p] = size(X) ;
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