MATLAB: 3D line of best fit

3d plotleast squaresline of best fit

I have about 50000 points with x,y,z data spread in 3 coloumns in excel. I have managed to create a plane of best fit. (by creating a comma delimited file, importing it, setting each column as a variable, then using the SFTOOL function. This gives me a plane of best fit through the data when I select the plane to be polynomial with degrees x=1 and y=1).
What I cannot seem to do is create a line of best fit through this data. This line must be a straight line and I would like to know the parametric equation of this line.
I would be most grateful if someone could advise me (a complete matlab beginner) how to go about this.
Many thanks

Best Answer

Suppose the rows of xyz are your data points,
The parametric equation is
r(t) = r0 + t*V(:,1);