MATLAB: 32bit matlab on 64bit platform can not open .jpg

32bit on 64bit

I installed a 32-bit student MatLab version on Win7 64Bit. When I try to import an image.jpg, it complaints about the endian signature:
Warning: The JPEG Exif header was read as "http:/" instead of "Exif ", the image file name be corrupt. Warning: Encountered a problem while processing Exif metadata: 'The endian signature [47 110] of "C:\Users\admin\Documents\MATLAB\Senior Design\my_functions\A.jpg" is neither [77] (big-endian) nor [73 73] (little endian), the image file may be corrupt.'.

Best Answer

It sounds as if your image.jpg is not an image at all, and is instead a text file that contains a URL.
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