MATLAB: 3>2>1 returns logical 0


When I run 3>2>1 it returns logical 0 (false). Sorry if its a basic question but I can't understand how this is not true.

Best Answer

The basic problem is that you are attempting two logical relations simultaneously: MATLAB's relational operators are binary operators, so they only support one comparison at once. In summary:
X<A<Y % is NOT valid for comparing A against X and Y
X<A & A<Y % This compares A with both X and Y
In MATLAB logical relational operators follow the standard rules of operator precedence. Look at this example carefully:
>> 3<4<2
ans =
The output is true, so does this mean that 4<2 ? Of course not, we just have to remember the operator precedence rules, just like in high school. This is evaluated according to those rules as:
>> (3<4)<2
ans =
>> 3<4
ans =
So 3<4<2 is actually equivalent to 1<2, which is of course very true:
>> 1<2
ans =