MATLAB: 3-D image matrix made from 2-D MRI images

image processing

Hi, i´m using this code to make 3-D matrix of 2-D MRI images, but if I load more than 3 images that every image besides firts three and the last one is just black and all values of that matrices are zeros. The images are uint8 format. I tried to trasfer them to double but it didn´t work. Is there some solution or the image matrices can be only three for each other?
clc; clear all; close all;
[Name, Path] = uigetfile('*.*', 'All Files (*.*)','MultiSelect','on');
if ~iscell(Name)
Name = {Name};
%% matrix
for i = 1:1:length(Name)
Nazev = Name(1,i);
Nazev = char(Nazev);
Img_info = [Path Nazev];
Img = imread(Img_info);
Img(:,:,i) = double(rgb2gray(Img));

Best Answer

You are replacing the value of Img inside the for loop. The matrix is rewritten at the next iteration. Try this
clc; clear all; close all;
[Name, Path] = uigetfile('*.*', 'All Files (*.*)','MultiSelect','on');
if ~iscell(Name)
Name = {Name};
%% matrix
for i = 1:1:length(Name)
Nazev = Name(1,i);
Nazev = char(Nazev);
Img_info = [Path Nazev];
Img = imread(Img_info);
Img_matrix(:,:,i) = rgb2gray(Img);