MATLAB: 2D Random Walk Please Explain What These For Loops Are Doing

2dfor loopsrandom walk

Could someone explain how and what these for loops are doing in the 2D random walk?
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%Ask for number of rivers
NumberOfSimulations = input('How many rivers? \n');
%Ask for number of steps
n = input('How many steps? \n'); % number of steps, nt increasing and n(t-1) decreasing
x0 = 0;
%End point after n steps
xtarg = 40;
Saved = NaN*zeros(n+1,NumberOfSimulations+2); %Initializes Array
Saved(1,:) = x0; %Fills first row with x0 value
Saved(n+2,:) = xtarg; %Fills last row with xtarg value
for q = 1:NumberOfSimulations
unifs = rand(n+1,1);
x = x0;
for i = 0:(n-1)
t = (1-(xtarg-x)/(n-i))/2;
if unifs(i+1,1) <= t
x = x-1;
x = x+1;
Saved(i+2,q) = x;
load Saved.txt
hold on;

Best Answer

The question is not really clear. You can read in the documentation, what the for command does:
doc for
But maybe you ask for the contents of the loops. Some parts are trivial, so it is not clear, which information is not clear to you yet. Therefor a specific question would be smarter.
% Run a loop from q=1 until q=NumberOfSimulations
for q = 1:NumberOfSimulations
% Get n+1 random numbers between 0 and 1
unifs = rand(n+1,1);
% Set x to the initial value:
x = x0;
% Run a loop from i=0 to i=n-1
for i = 0:(n-1)
% Define a parameter t according to the current value of x
% and the value of the iteration counter:
t = (1-(xtarg-x)/(n-i))/2;
% If the random value defined in the outer loop is smaller
% or equal than t, subtract 1 from x, otherwise add 1:
if unifs(i+1,1) <= t
x = x-1;
x = x+1;
% Store the current value of x in the output matrix "Saved":
Saved(i+2,q) = x;
Actually this code does not contain complicated functions. Maybe the debugger helps you to understand it: Set a breakpoint in the code and run the program line by line. Check the changes in the WorkspaceBrowser to see, what's going on. The purpose of functions is explained in the documentation, so use help or doc to find a description.