MATLAB: 2D projection of 3D curve


I am beginner and just know how to plot 3D and 2D seperately, but i want to plot complex exponential functions, that requires 3D curves with their 2D projections somewhat like the file attached, please help me.

Best Answer

The following code will give you an idea how to plot such a thing in MATLAB. You can run this code to draw a sample graph but mainly focus on last 3 lines since they are relevant for projection on a 2D plane.
x = y/50.*cos(y);
z = y/50.*sin(y);
plot3(x,y,z, 'LineWidth', 2)
grid on
ylim([0, 100])
xlim([-2 2]);
zlim([-2 2]);
hold on
plot3(x, 100*ones(size(y)), z, 'LineWidth', 2); % project in x-z axis at y=100
plot3(2*ones(size(x)), y, z, 'LineWidth', 2); % project in y-z axis at x=2
plot3(x, y, -2*ones(size(x)), 'LineWidth', 2); % project in y-z axis at z=-2
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