MATLAB: 2D polar plot axes & colour legend

polar plotsurface plot

I'm a fairly new user to MATLAB2016b, and am struggling a bit with 2D polar plots.
I'd like to plot parameter values as a function of inclination (0-90deg) and azimuth (0-360deg) with the 'polar' function. In the polar plot, the radial direction reflects 0-90deg inclination and the tangential direction reflects 0-360deg (with 90deg towards the right).
For some reason the polar function adds a white rim to my figure, i.e. it plots data from 0-100 deg. Can anyone help me get rid of the 90-100 deg inclination section on the plot?
I'd also like to define the colourscale legend with a min and max value; how can that be done?
Attached is the polar plot code i'm using, where 'A' is the input value matrix. The 'A' is attached as an excel sheet, and A(1,1) is in cell 2B.
thanks for any help!

Best Answer

The matrix in the Excel file does not work with the code you posted (the matrix size is not compatible with the calculated values), so I cannot run it.
Use polarplot (introduced in R2016a, so you should have it) instead of polar. You can restrict the radial axis to the limits you set using the ‘RLim’ property of polarplot.
a = linspace(0, 2*pi);
r = linspace(0, pi);
polarplot(a, r)
rlim([0, max(r)])
Experiment to get the result you want.