MATLAB: 2D plot of a matrix

2d plotmatrixplotplottingvector

I have a matrix (txt file) as the one in the pictures, with different columns (A to G). Each of these columns can be plot separately as a chart of points.
What I would like to do is:
1) for each column, subtract the offset from zero level (like a horizontal baseline);
2) plot as a map all these data, like if they are seen from the "top" one close to the other, with the label A, B, C…G. They should be normalized to the highest value of the matrix (for example, with a colorbar from 0 to 1, the "1" color corresponds to the highest value of the matrix).

Best Answer

Read about importdata to load the data into MATLAB.
You can normalize an array x to [0,1] using:
norm_x = (x-min(x))/(max(x)-min(x)) ;
To plot use plot.