MATLAB: 2D Histograms in Planes XZ, YZ


Hello, I am trying to get a representation similar to the one attached to this message. That is to say, I would like to represent two 2D-histogram, one in the plane XZ and the other in the plane YZ. In X and Y, the magnitude to be displayed is the same, but the thing is that the Z-axis is different. As I want to make the representation clearer, I would add additional information in the plane Z=0, that is the reason for which I have not used the 2D-histogram with two different Y-axes. It would be very nice if you could help me to solve this. Thanks in advance, Manuel.

Best Answer

OK, here's a simple example where you plot a few pieces together...
% First some "test-data":
x = randn(500,1);
x = x-min(x)+0.5;
y = randn(500,1);
y = y-min(y)+0.5;
y = y.^1.5+1*x;
z = exp(-abs(2*x-y)/4); % Just to get something similar to the figure linked to in your reference
[Nx,xH] = hist(x,9); % Histogram of X-values
[Ny,yH] = hist(y,11); % and Y
dX = gradient(xH); % Spacing between histogram bin centres
dY = gradient(yH);
%%Plot stuff...
scatter3(x,y,z,15,z,'filled') % The points
for i1 = 1:length(xH), % And the X-histogram bars
pHmyX(i1) = patch(xH(i1)+dX(i1)*[-1 1 1 -1 -1]/2,...
[0 0 0 0 0],...
[0 0 Nx(i1)*[1 1] 0],rand(1,3));
for i1 = 1:length(yH),
pHmyY(i1) = patch([0 0 0 0 0],...
yH(i1)+dY(i1)*0.9*[-1 1 1 -1 -1]/2,...
[0 0 Ny(i1)*[1 1] 0],rand(1,3));
You should be able to modify and extend that to suit your needs.