MATLAB: 2D contour plot with data in Matlab

2d contour plot

Dear Experts,
I have x,y and z data attached in excel sheet. How to plot a 2D contour plot which will look like the attached image. And i want to show shome points like (x,y) = (1.364, 0.129) and (1.42, 0.162) in the contour plot.Screenshot (45).png

Best Answer

Yoiur data are gridded. You only need to reshape your vectors to get the matrices necessary for any contour or 3D plots you want:
[D,S] = xlsread('Book1.xlsx');
[Ux,Ix] = unique(D(:,1)); % Determine Frame Lengths
dIx = diff(Ix); % Define Frame Length
Xr = reshape(D(:,1), dIx(1), []); % Create Matrix From Vector

Yr = reshape(D(:,2), dIx(1), []); % Create Matrix From Vector
Zr = reshape(D(:,3), dIx(1), []); % Create Matrix From Vector
2D contour plot with data in Matlab - 2019 05 11.png
See the documentation on the contourf (link) function for details.
Experiment to get the result you want.