MATLAB: 2020b update 4 – scatterhist – help example does not work


I was trying to use scatterhist and was getting an error. I tried to run the example code (create a scatterhist Plot) from the help documentation in 2020b update 4 and get the following below. Any assistance would be appreciated. I also tried the example in 2019b, and got the same error. I also tried the example following the first one (plot grouped data) and got an error.
>> load fisheriris.mat
>> x = meas(:,1);
>> y = meas(:,2);
>> scatterhist(x,y)
y =
3.8 8.2
Error using *
Incorrect dimensions for matrix multiplication. Check that
the number of columns in the first matrix matches the
number of rows in the second matrix. To perform
elementwise multiplication, use '.*'.
Error in scatterhist (line 450)
set(hScatter,'Xlim', XhistXlim + [-0.01,
Related documentation
>> scatterhist(x,y,'Group',species,'Kernel','on')
y =
4.3 7.9
Unable to perform assignment because the size of the left side is 1-by-0 and the size of
the right side is 1-by-100.
Error in internal.stats.plotGroupedKSDensity (line 101)
px(i,:) = ksdensity(xg,xrange);
Error in
(line 291)
Xfunc = @()internal.stats.plotGroupedKSDensity(x,grp,...
Error in scatterhist (line 393)

Best Answer

Do you perhaps have a function named range.m that's taking precedence over the range function included in Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox?