MATLAB: 2-way-anova with balance over subjects


I have a 2×2 design measuring 50 subjects reactiontimes in congruant and incongruant conditions, using 2 different devices (joystick, responsepad).
My main effect is within devices (congruant trials should be faster than incongruant trials), my interaction effect is between devices(In the joystick-setup the effect should be more pronounced than for the Responsepad). I want to balance over subjects (since some subjects might be naturally slower or faster than others) and over the stimulus set (each subjects sees the same stimuli and I want to account for some stimuli being more difficult to react to).
Each row of my datatable would therefor look roughly like this:
SubjectNr StimulusNr Device Congruant/Incongruant Reactiontime
1 1 1 1 0.9213
1 2 2 1 0.4123
1 3 1 2 0.3123
1 4 2 2 0,5123
2 1 … … …
The first 4 rows are obviously categorical variables.
After reading the anova, ranova and fitrm in Matlab several times I still struggle how to implement my analysis. Im thankfull for any help
Best Jo

Best Answer

Look here for an explanation of how to do a repeated measures ANOVA with the same 2x2 within-Ss structure.