MATLAB: 2 Line Styles for A Single Plot- How to Change Plotting Styles


I've attached a picture of a plot and circled where I would like to change the solid line I circled to a different style (like a dashed line). How do I do that?
B = 0.75; C = 0.8; p =0.5;
A = linspace((1-p)*B*(1-C),1.5);
figure (2)
[l1,~]= bifurcation_lysogen_pops(A);
[~,l2]= bifurcation_lysogen_pops(A);
plot(A,l1, A, l2)
yline(0); %E_H and E_0 l
ylim([-0.2 1])
xlim([0 1])
function [l1,l2] = bifurcation_lysogen_pops(A)
B = 0.75; C = 0.8; p =0.5;
v= B*(1-C);
l1 = (C*p*v)./(A-(1-p)*v); %E* lysogen population
l2 = (B-A)./B; %E_VL lysogen population
l2 is the red plot and l1 is the blue plot

Best Answer

Here's one possibility
B = 0.75; C = 0.8; p =0.5;
A = linspace((1-p)*B*(1-C),1.5);
figure (2)
[l1,l2]= bifurcation_lysogen_pops(A);
l1(1)=[]; l2(1)=[]; A(1)= []; % get rid of infinity in l1;
hiindx = find(l1>l2 & A<0.5);
Ahi = A(hiindx);
l1hi = l1(hiindx);
Alo = A(max(hiindx):end);
l1lo = l1(max(hiindx):end);
yline(0); %E_H and E_0 l
ylim([-0.2 2])
xlim([0 1])
function [l1,l2] = bifurcation_lysogen_pops(A)
B = 0.75; C = 0.8; p =0.5;
v= B*(1-C);
l1 = (C*p*v)./(A-(1-p)*v); %E* lysogen population
l2 = (B-A)./B; %E_VL lysogen population