MATLAB: 2-Band Blending Help

computer visionimage processingMATLAB

Let us say I got two images and stitch them together. Now, how could we use a 2-Band Blending on this? Or other simple blending approach, I got limited time. Any help would be appreciated.
What I am using now is straight forward and not consider a Blending Approach:
merge_output = output1 .* 0.5 + output2 .* 0.5; figure, imshow( merge_output, 'XData', xdata , 'YData', ydata ), axis on, impixelinfo; Any help would be appreciated!
matlab computer-vision blending image-stitc

Best Answer

The simplified solution I found.
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Step One:
Step Two:
Separate High Freq. and Low Freq. Channel.
Step Three:
Smooth them respectively.
Now you are good to go! Yee, Haw!
Adobe® Data-set.
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