MATLAB: ็How to send video object in function to GUI in Matlab

image processingMATLABmatlab guivideovideo processing

I want to send video obj use for when press start program but no data to processing and I press exit and I press start again video object OBJ has already been started. can't processing in program
then I want to know send video obj to GUI

Best Answer

Adisorn - what is your order of operations? Do you launch the GUI and then call realtimefunction and pass in the handle to the GUI? Where is webcam3 defined or is this a function?
If you are trying to save the vid object to handles then you could do something like
function [] = realtimefunction(GuiHandle)
% your code
handles.vid = vid;
guidata(GuiHandle, handles);
which will update the handles structure of your GUI with the vid object. Then in your exit_Callback, you could do something like
function exit_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
if isfield(handles, 'vid') && ~isempty(handles.vid)
delete(handles.vid); % or close, whatever is relevant
handles.vid = [];
guidata(hObject, handles)
As an aside, you should try to avoid using global variables.