Category Theory – Why Does the Category of Abelian Groups Satisfy the Axiom AB6?


In his Tohoku article, Grothendieck says that the category $\mathbf{Ab}$ of abelian groups satisfies the axiom AB6, namely

"All small colimits exist in $\mathbf{Ab}$. Moreover for any index family $J$ and filtered categories $I_j, j\in J$, with functors $I_j\to \mathbf{Ab}, i\mapsto M_i$, the natural map

\underset{\substack{\rightarrow \\ (i_j\in I_j)_j}}{\lim} \prod_{j\in J} M_{i_j} \rightarrow \prod_{j\in J}\underset{\substack{\rightarrow \\ i_j\in I_j}}{\lim}M_{i_j} $

is an isomorphism."

It seems that this is saying that filtered limits and arbitrary products commute, but I don't think that this commutation happens.

Let us consider, for example (this is probably not the simplest example, but it is how I recognized the problem), a profinite space $S=\lim_i S_i$, projective limit of finite discrete sets $S_i$, where $i\in I=\{\text{finite quotients of } S\}$. For all $n\in \mathbb{N}$, let us consider the family $I_j=I$, with functors $I_j\to \mathbf{Ab}, i\mapsto \mathrm{Map}(S_i,\mathbb{Z})$ the abelian group of maps of sets from $S_i$ to $\mathbb{Z}$.

The term on the left is, if I understood correctly, the abelian group

$\underset{\substack{\rightarrow\\(i\in I)_n}}{\lim} \prod_{n\in \mathbb{N}} \mathrm{Map}(S_i,\mathbb{Z})=\underset{\substack{\rightarrow\\(i\in I)_n}}{\lim} \mathrm{Map}(S_i,\prod_{n\in \mathbb{N}} \mathbb{Z})$

i.e. the abelian group of continuous function from $S$ to $\prod_{n\in\mathbb{N}}\mathbb{Z}$, where the latter has the discrete topology (every map from the profinite $S$ to a discrete abelian group factors via some quotient $S_i$).

On the other hand, the term on the right is

$\prod_{n\in\mathbb{N}} \underset{\substack{\rightarrow\\ i\in I}}{\lim} \mathrm{Map}(S_i,\mathbb{Z})=\prod_{n\in\mathbb{N}}\mathrm{Cont}(S,\mathbb{Z})=\mathrm{Cont}(S,\prod_{n\in\mathbb{N}}\mathbb{Z})$

which is the abelian group of continuous functions $S\to \prod_{n\in\mathbb{N}}\mathbb{Z}$, where this time the latter has the product topology.

Since the continuous identity morphism from the discrete $\prod \mathbb{Z}$ to itself with the product topology is not a homeomorphism, the two abelian groups $\mathrm{Cont}(S,(\prod\mathbb{Z})^{\delta})$ and $\mathrm{Cont}(S,(\prod\mathbb{Z})$ cannot coincide for all profinite space $S$.

I am sure that in the formulation of Grothendieck there are no errors, so I guess I misunderstood the meaning of the left-hand side (the filtered colimit of the products): can someone help me?

Best Answer

The objects we are taking the limit over in the left side are $(i_j \in I_j)_j$, i.e. tuples of, for each $j\in J$, an element $i_j$ of $I_j$. These are the same as elements of $\prod_{j\in J}$.

Thus, the left side is a limit over $\prod_{j\in J} I_j$.

On the other hand, you have defined $I_j = I$ for all $j$ and then taken the limit over $I$. Of course in this case $I$ embeds into $\prod_{j\in J} I$ as a "diagonal" subset, but not every element is bounded by an element on the diagonal, unless $I$ is finite.

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