Prime Factors – Upper Bound on Minimum Number of Prime Factors in Short Intervals


Suppose that $H = H(X)$ is some quantity growing with $X$. Are there any bounds on $$F(X, H) = \min_{X < n\le X + H} \omega(n)?$$
It isn't hard to obtain a lower bound $\max_{x\sim X} F(X, H)\gg \frac{\log X}{H\log\log X}$. Also, for $H\gg X^\delta$, I believe it follows from a standard lower bound sieve the bound $F(X, H)\ll \delta^{-1}$. Is anything better known in either direction?

Best Answer

There is some useful information in the paper P. Erdôs and I. Kátai. On the growth of some additive functions of small intervals. Acta Math. Hungar. 33 (1979), 345-359.

Let $$O_{k}(n)=\max _{j=1, \ldots, k} \omega(n+j), \quad o_{k}(n)=\min _{j=1, \ldots, k} \omega(n+j).$$ Then (see I. Kátai. Local growth of the number of the divisors of consecutive integers. Publ. Math. Debrecen 18 (1971), 171-175.) for every $\varepsilon>0$, apart from a set of $n$'s having zero density, the inequalities $$ O_{k}(n) \leqq(1+\varepsilon) \varrho\left(\frac{\log k}{\log \log n}\right) \log \log n, \quad o_{k}(n) \geqq(1-\varepsilon) \bar{\varrho}\left(\frac{\log k}{\log \log n}\right) \log \log n $$ hold for every $k=1,2, \ldots$ Here $\varrho(u)$ $(u \ge 0)$ is defined as the inverse function of $\psi(z)=z \log \frac{z}{e}+1$ defined in $z \ge 1$, and $\bar{\varrho}(n)$ $(n \ge 0)$ is the inverse function of the same $\psi(z)$ defined in $0<z \le 1$. In the same paper it was conjectured that $$ O_{k}(n) \geqq(1-\varepsilon) \varrho\left(\frac{\log k}{\log \log n}\right) \log \log n $$ and $$ o_{k}(n) \leqq(1+\varepsilon) \bar{\varrho}\left(\frac{\log k}{\log \log n}\right) \log \log n $$

They prove that for every $\varepsilon>0$ these irequalities hold for every $k \ge 1$, apart from a set of $n$'s having zero density.

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